Nagi Idris

Senior Counsel

Nagi Idris

Nagi is a senior international lawyer with over 20 years of legal advisory experience across banking, capital markets, public international law and international finance, including Islamic finance. He is a member of the London Court of International Arbitration (Arab Chapter), a Fellow of the International Bar Association and a certified international lawyer in International Arbitration, International Capital Markets, International Mergers and Acquisitions, International Business Organisations and International Joint Ventures.

Nagi is an expert in public international law and dispute resolution (including international investment disputes and international cross-border disputes) and is a Member of the Society of International Economic Law, the Human Rights Institute, the Arbitration Committee, the Oil and Gas Law Committee and the Arab Regional Forum of the International Bar Association. He is also a practitioner and expert on Sudanese Law and has provided opinions in overseas courts in the UK and US.