Jenna Clift


Jenna Clift

Jenna is a solicitor at Albertson, currently working across the firm’s practice areas on matters ranging from complex civil litigation and white collar crime investigations to commercial and employment law and advisory work. She has advised and assisted on both UK and international law and best practices, engaging directly with the firm’s international clientele to deliver practical, tailored legal solutions to suit each client’s unique needs. Having acted as an integral part of the legal team in fraud and asset recovery cases, including in a private criminal prosecution involving a complex criminal conspiracy fraud claim, she is focused on growing the firm’s white collar crime, fraud and asset recovery practice.

Jenna completed her legal training with Albertson in 2024 after joining the firm in 2022 as a paralegal. She graduated with a degree in History and Government from Cornell University in New York in 2019 and obtained a Masters in Law with Distinction from London South Bank University in 2021.